• Хостинг игровых серверов

    Максимальная производительность для ваших игровых серверов!

    Заказать сейчас

О радиальном меню​

Радиальное меню представляет собой настраиваемую панель быстрого доступа со всеми популярными и часто используемыми командами сервера. Это упрощает и ускоряет взаимодействие с различными механиками сервера, будь то телепортация, сделки, установка очков дома и различные панели.

  • Позволяет практически полностью исключить ручной ввод команд игроком.
  • Автоматический расчет и расположение любого количества разделов / подразделов на окружности.
  • Несколько эффектов отображения.
  • Отслеживает нажатие команды MMB или on (может быть введено в тот же MMB).
  • Проверяет привилегии конкретной команды перед ее выполнением.
  • Возможность использовать собственные изображения панели.
  • Полная настройка расположения и масштаба значков и панели.
  • Поддержка популярных плагинов (NTeleportation, Clans, Friends и Rust teams).

Настройки раздела/ подраздела
Плагин имеет основные разделы (уровень 1), подразделы на уровне 1 (уровень 2) и подразделы на уровне 2 (уровень 3).
Название раздела - название раздела, которое отображается под значком.
Включить этот раздел?– раздел включения/выключения.
Разрешение раздела [требуется] - разрешение, необходимое для работы плагина.
Значок раздела - прямая ссылка на значок (рекомендуемый размер 64x64).
Цвет неактивного / активного раздела - цвет RGBA.
Команда ЧАТА, выполняемая от имени игрока - если у вас нет подразделов в этом разделе, здесь указана команда ЧАТА (без "/"), которая будет выполняться для этого игрока. Если в этом разделе есть подразделы, команда ЧАТА не указана.
Разрешение для вышеуказанной команды - если указана приведенная выше команда, вы можете указать привилегии этой команды в этом поле (например, "removertool.normal, removertool.structure, removertool.external"). Плагин проверит, имеет ли игрок эти привилегии перед выполнением команды.
Сообщение игроку в чате, если у него нет привилегий - если вы планируете показывать игрокам все разделы (даже те, которые им недоступны), то при нажатии на такой раздел в чате отобразится это сообщение.
Показывать этот раздел даже тем, у кого нет привилегий?- принудительно отображает раздел всем игрокам, даже тем, у кого нет к нему привилегий (если вы нажмете на него, то в чате отобразится сообщение выше).
Расположение подразделов [n - число] - этот параметр отвечает за то, как расположены подразделы.
  • 0 - автоматически. Предположим, у вас есть 10 подразделов, тогда 360 градусов / 10 подразделов = 36 градусов. Плагин автоматически расположит 10 подразделов каждые 36 градусов (по часовой стрелке, начиная сверху).
  • n - с самого начала. Плагин расположит подразделы по часовой стрелке, начиная с самого верха, не автоматически, а с определенным шагом. Например, у вас есть 3 подраздела, но вы не хотите, чтобы они автоматически были разбросаны по всему кругу, вы хотите, чтобы они отображались вверху, с некоторым небольшим шагом, этот шаг будет рассчитываться из-за условного количества подразделов n (например, 15). Теперь 360 градусов / 15 условных подразделов = 24 градуса, тогда ваши 3 подраздела будут расположены с самого начала, и между ними будет 24 градуса.
  • -n - из активного элемента. Плагин расположит подразделы относительно активного раздела. Например, у вас есть 3 подраздела, но вы не хотите, чтобы они автоматически разбрасывались по кругу, и вы также не хотите, чтобы они были расположены по часовой стрелке, начиная с вершины. При выборе этого типа расположения подразделы будут расположены в том же месте, что и активный раздел, с указанным вами шагом. Это работает так же, как и выше, только n указывается со знаком минус (например, -15, минус нужен плагину, чтобы понять, какой тип расположения использовать).
Все примеры расположения подразделов присутствуют в стандартном конфиге.

Может быть неясно, как работают разрешения в этом плагине. Давайте разберемся с этим на простом примере из стандартного конфига.

Нетрудно понять, что это раздел домашней точки стандартной конфигурации. Чтобы исключить идентичные имена разрешений, плагин преобразует их в эту форму.
Я настоятельно рекомендую использовать плагин "Менеджер разрешений" для установки привилегий для игроков или групп. Он рисует простой интерфейс, с помощью которого очень легко добавлять или удалять разрешения.

Плагин поддерживает работу с плагинами телепортации (установка / удаление / телепортация в исходную точку) Телепортация и телепортация с помощью OxideBro (для владельцев RU-серверов).
Для этого в главном разделе (уровень 1) необходимо указать разрешение раздела "_homes", это необходимо для того, чтобы плагин понимал, что он будет работать с плагином teleport.
Далее, в подразделе "_homes" (уровень 2) вы должны добавить МАКСИМАЛЬНОЕ количество отображаемых точек дома, например 5. Если у игрока больше очков дома, чем это число, то будут отображаться только первые 5, если меньше, то будут отображаться все. Для каждой такой точки вы должны задать ее уникальное имя, которое начинается с "home_n", где "n" - это любое уникальное число или слово (например, home_1, home_2 и т.д.). Помимо точек дома здесь можно разместить раздел с установлением точки дома, его название должно быть "home_add", и команду "home add {0}" (команда вашего плагина teleport), где {0} - название новой точки дома, подключаемой плагиномсамо установит его относительно квадрата, в котором игрок в данный момент находится (например D3, если в квадрате их несколько, то D3_1, D3_2 и т.д.).
После этого в подразделах (уровень 3) каждой такой домашней точки вы можете указать команды, относящиеся конкретно к ней. Например: "home{0}", "home remove {0}" или любые другие команды, где {0} - название конкретного дома, плагин сам подставит его при выполнении команды.
Если вы находите все вышеперечисленное сложным, вы можете взглянуть на стандартную конфигурацию в качестве примера.

Плагин поддерживает работу с друзьями плагинов, кланами k1lly0u и командами Rust.
Здесь все настроено аналогично телепортации. Но чтобы плагин понимал, с чем работать, в главном разделе (уровень 1) необходимо указать один из трех вариантов:
  • "_teammates" - плагин будет работать с командами Rust
  • "_friends" - плагин будет работать с плагином друзей
  • "_clans" - плагин будет работать с плагином кланов
В подразделах (уровень 2) вы должны добавить МАКСИМАЛЬНОЕ количество отображаемых друзей, например 8. Если у игрока больше друзей, чем это число, то будут отображаться только первые 8, если меньше, то будут отображаться все. Для каждого друга вы должны задать его уникальное имя, которое начинается с "friend_n", где "n" - это любое уникальное число или слово (например, friend_1, friend_2 и т.д.).
После этого в подразделах (уровень 3) каждого друга вы можете указать специфичные для него команды. Например: "tpr{0}", "trade{0}" или любые другие команды, где {0} - ник игрока, плагин сам подставит его при выполнении команды.
Пример конфигурации этого раздела также присутствует в стандартной конфигурации.

Конфигурация плагина
Пример конфигурации плагина на английском языке

 "The command to open the radial menu. If empty, the server will monitor the MMB press [increased load]": "",
 "Hint on how to close the panel [if using the command above]": "Enter the command again or click in an empty space to close the panel",
 "Image with 1 menu ring": "https://i.imgur.com/gMRz5Et.png",
 "Image with 2 menu rings": "https://i.imgur.com/OHQTGPM.png",
 "Image with 3 menu rings": "https://i.imgur.com/w87aldf.png",
 "Radial menu size": 250,
 "Speed of displaying the radial menu": 0.5,
 "Icon size": 15,
 "Text size": 8,
 "Speed of displaying icons": 0.5,
 "Distance from center to 1st level icons": 0.194,
 "Distance from center to 2nd level icons": 0.32,
 "Distance from center to 3rd level icons": 0.446,
 "Sections": [
 "Section name": "Teleport",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "_homes",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/5jmbECE.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 15,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Home 1",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "home_1",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/Q4wlQVX.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": -15,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Teleport",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "teleport",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/2S9oQB8.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.34 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "home {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Remove",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "remove",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/PECEX3I.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.96 0.34 0.34 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "home remove {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Home 2",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "home_2",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/Q4wlQVX.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": -15,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Teleport",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "teleport",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/2S9oQB8.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.34 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "home {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Remove",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "remove",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/PECEX3I.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.96 0.34 0.34 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "home remove {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Home 3",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "home_3",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/Q4wlQVX.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": -15,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Teleport",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "teleport",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/2S9oQB8.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.34 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "home {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Remove",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "remove",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/PECEX3I.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.96 0.34 0.34 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "home remove {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Add",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "home_add",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/h1R6x2F.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "home add {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Friends",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "_teammates",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/pIw7xwN.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 15,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Friend 1",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "friend_1",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/O5qyPlz.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 20,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Teleport",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "teleport",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/2S9oQB8.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "tpr {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Trade",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "trade",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/KXMfoeI.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "trade {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Friend 2",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "friend_2",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/O5qyPlz.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 20,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Teleport",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "teleport",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/2S9oQB8.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "tpr {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Trade",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "trade",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/KXMfoeI.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "trade {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Friend 3",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "friend_3",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/O5qyPlz.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 20,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Teleport",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "teleport",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/2S9oQB8.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "tpr {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Trade",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "trade",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/KXMfoeI.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "trade {0}",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Remove",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "remove",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/M7K8DV8.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "remove",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "removertool.normal, removertool.structure, removertool.external",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": true,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Recycler",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "recycler",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/WTm5bKJ.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "rec",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Skins",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "skins",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/qzQwBKI.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "skins",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "skins.use",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Craft",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "craft",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/m7kyUIK.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "craft",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "craft.use",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": true,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Turrets",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "turrets",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/MVtdwjA.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": -15,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Turret on/off",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "one",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/dpXp5mS.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "turret",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Turrets on",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "all_on",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/74QGojp.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.34 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "turret.tc on",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Turrets off",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "all_off",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/74QGojp.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.96 0.34 0.34 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "turret.tc off",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "SAMs on",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "sams_on",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/Zb4X3wW.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.34 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "sam.tc on",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "SAMs off",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "sams_off",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/Zb4X3wW.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.96 0.34 0.34 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "sam.tc off",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Notify",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "notify",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/GQnCUNy.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": -15,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Teleport",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "tp",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/2S9oQB8.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": -15,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Accept",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "accept",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/CsUosUr.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.34 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "tpa",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Cancel",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "cancel",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/ETgjR6K.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.96 0.34 0.34 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "tpc",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Trade",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "trade",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/KXMfoeI.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.98 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": -15,
 "Subsections": [
 "Section name": "Accept",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "accept",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/CsUosUr.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.34 0.87 0.33 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "trade accept",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
 "Section name": "Cancel",
 "Enable this section?": true,
 "Section permission [required]": "cancel",
 "Section icon": "https://i.imgur.com/ETgjR6K.png",
 "Inactive section color": "0.96 0.34 0.34 1",
 "Active section color": "0.89 0.89 0.89 1",
 "CHAT command executed on behalf of the player [if empty, the subsections below are used]": "trade cancel",
 "Permission for above command [optional]. Checks if the player has such a permission.": "",
 "Message to player in chat if he does not have a privilege": "You do not have permission to use this command!",
 "Show this section even to those who don't have privileges?": false,
 "Subsections layout [n - number]: 0 - auto; n - from the beginning; -n - from an active element": 0,
 "Subsections": []
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